Data Mining and Machine Learning IWeek 1: Dimension Reduction and PCA

General Information: Data Mining and Machine Learning I

Course description

This course introduces students to machine learning methods and modern data mining techniques, with an emphasis on practical issues and applications.

VideoIntroduction to the courseDuration4:28

Course schedule

The course will consist of ten weeks, which will be released on a Monday by 11am BST. The topics are:

  • Week 1 - Dimension reduction and PCA
  • Week 2 - Principal component regression
  • Week 3 - Classification
  • Week 4 - Tree-based methods
  • Week 5 - Support vector machines
  • Week 6 - Peer assessment (there will be no material uploaded during that week)
  • Week 7 - Introduction to model-based classification
  • Week 8 - Further model-based classification
  • Week 9 - Hierarchical-based clustering techniques
  • Week 10 - Partitioning-based clustering techniques

Note that between Weeks 5 and 6 (the week of 3rd June 2024) there is a break week with no material or assessments.

Office hours

There are 2 regular live session per week (excepting the break week), generally on Wednesdays at 8pm (BST) and Thursdays at 4pm (BST). These are an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course. They will be recorded with the recordings made available later for anyone who cannot attend. You can also post questions on both moodle forums and Teams.


The aims of this course are:

  • to introduce students to different methods for dimension reduction and clustering (unsupervised learning);

  • to introduce students to a range of classification methods, beyond those covered in Predictive Modelling;

  • to introduce students to kernel methods and support vector machines.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this course students will be able to:

  • apply and interpret methods of dimension reduction including principal component analysis, multidimensional scaling and the biplot;

  • apply and interpret classical methods for cluster analysis;

  • apply and interpret advanced methods for classification;

  • fit support vector machines to data and assess their predictive ability objectively.

Revision material

It will be beneficial for you if you revise the following subjects:

Assessment and Feedback Calendar

The course assessment is comprised of 100% continuous assessment. Details of the assessment are available at the top of the course moodle page.

VideoOverview of the courseDuration3:43


The course will be self-contained in the learning material. However, for each week we will point to chapters in the following books that you might wish to consult for additional material:

Supplement 1

There is a list of free, open source books on Data Mining and Machine Learning on Github. The list covers more than the aims of this course and can be really helpful if someone wants to dig deeper (and/or cannot wait for the Data Mining and Machine Learning II course next summer).

Dimension Reduction and Principal Component Analysis

The problem with too much data

We're currently living in the most data rich period of human history (to date). Which seems like it should be a good thing but data does not necessarily always equal information, knowledge or insight. Quite apart from the ethics of how such data is collected and used, the sheer amount of data available can be more overwhelming than useful. The goal of extracting useful information from available data is the main role of the data scientist.

The Data Mining and Machine Learning module in particular introduces numerous different learning techniques (both supervised and unsupervised) that can assist in this process. The issue with many more advanced, complex techniques (including some in this course) is that while they can uncover hidden, intricate relationships and evidence, many of them have problems when the data involved are big.

Data can be ``big'' in three different ways:

  • many observations,

  • many variables,

  • both!

The more complicated models often do not scale well as either the number of observations and/or the number of variables increase dramatically. So some kind of dimension reduction method is needed either prior to or in conjunction with the other model in order to allow it to run.

Dimension reduction

Dimension reduction techniques generally fall into two categories:

  • filter techniques: applied to the data before the other method

    • either unsupervised (with no particular outcome used)

    • or supervised (applied based on optimisation with respect to an outcome of interest) and

  • wrapper techniques: applied as part of the other method (essentially ``wrapped'' around it).

We will see examples of the latter both in this course (tree-based methods) and in next year's Data Mining and Machine Learning II (regularised regression).

These methods can also be split into:

  • techniques that retain the original variables (albeit fewer of them), known as feature or variable selection, and

  • techniques that create/extract a smaller set of new variables based on the old ones, known as feature extraction.

Variable selection

Variable selection tries to choose a subset of the original variables that is in some way optimal, either in terms of an outcome of interest or some more general measure. This is preferred when the model (or output) allows for interpretation of parameters relating to the original variables and this interpretation is part of the goal of the analysis. You have actually already done a crude version of this when building regression models by removing variables according to their lack of significance. If, however, the variables are of no particular interest in a substantive way, we may choose to use them to construct new variables with particular desirable properties. One of the most common and popular versions of this, is called principal component analysis which we will focus on in this week.

Introduction to Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal component analysis is a technique for continuous data that takes p different linear combinations of the p original variables to create p new variables, called components. These components are constructed to be uncorrelated with one another.

You may be wondering how this is in any way useful for reducing dimensions, given that we have the same number of variables as we started with; that is p. The only apparent difference is that we have removed any intervariable correlation. However, these variables are also ordered in decreasing order of variability, i.e. the first variable has the largest amount of variability, the second variable has the second largest amount of variability, etc.

The golden rule when using PCA to reduce dimensionality is italic Variation equals italic Information

Our goal, therefore, is to reduce the dimensionality of the data while still retaining most of the information contained in the original data. If we can capture a large amount of the variability by keeping the first q components (out of p) where q less than less than p, then we will achieve that goal. Often we assume that the small amount of variability lost with the discarded p minus q components may just be random noise rather than any systematic source of variation.

Note that another use of PCA rather than dimensionality reduction is to produce uncorrelated variables for use in methods where excess correlation may cause problems (like multicollinearity in linear regression). You'll see an example of this type of usage in the following week where we'll discuss principal component regression.

Short intro to PCA

Let's start with describing the situation that we are faced with and the problem at hand.

  • We start with n observations bold italic x equals left parenthesis bold italic x 1 comma ellipsis comma bold italic x Subscript n Baseline right parenthesis where each one is p dimensional.

  • If p is large then that could make parameter estimation really difficult. In addition it will not be easy to visualise the observations due to the high dimensions.

We would like to keep q dimensions (where q less than less than p) AND preserve the properties of interest.

We want to project a p-dimensional observation into q dimensions. In Figure 1 we see the idea of projection. Specifically, we have ten two-dimensional observations (i.e. p equals 2), x Subscript i where i equals 1 comma ellipsis comma 10, which are projected into one dimension ( i.e. q equals 1), y Subscript i Baseline 1 . To be precise they are actually projected into two dimensions but the second one, y Subscript i Baseline 2, takes the value 0 always. As a result, that dimension holds no information at all about the new observation. In addition, in this case the one (and only) dimension of the new observations is one of the original two dimensions (i.e y Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline equals x Subscript i Baseline 1), but this is not necessary. As we mentioned earlier, we would like to retain any "interesting" structure in the data when we perform the projection. But what do we mean by "interesting" structure and how can we locate "interesting" structures in the data? This is where the previous rule (i.e. italic Variation equals italic Information) comes to play, and we will soon see that information about the structure of the data is present; in a projection that has high variance.

-2 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x i 1 x i 2 Two dimensional data x i being projected into one dimension y i x 7 x 1 x 10 x 3 x =( x 1 , x 2 ,..., x 10 ) where x 1 =( x i 1 , x i 2 ) y 7 y 1 y 10 y 3 y =( y 1 , y 2 ,..., y 10 ) where y 1 =( y i 1 , y i 2 )=( x i 1 ,0)
Figure 1


Intuition behind PCA

You can picture PCA as a way of looking for new axes for our data. The original axes represent our original variables and what PCA is trying to do is rotate these axes around the fixed data (also keeping the origin fixed) so that the first axis lines up with the line/direction of most variability in our data, the second axis is perpendicular/orthogonal to the first new axis and follows the line of second most variability, the third is orthogonal to the first two new axes and follows the line of third most variability and so on. This is demonstrated in the following video.

VideoAn Introduction to Principal Component AnalysisDuration14:46

Basic idea of PCA

The basic idea of principal component analysis is to find a small number of uncorrelated linear combinations of the original variables which explain most of the variation in the data.

The linear combinations of the variables are a rotation of our data which are made up of n observations: bold italic x equals left parenthesis bold italic x 1 comma ellipsis comma bold italic x Subscript n Baseline right parenthesis where every observation bold italic x Subscript i Baseline equals left parenthesis x Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline comma period period period comma x Subscript i p Baseline right parenthesis Superscript upper T, is a p dimensional random vector. This is true for all i (i.e.\ i equals 1 comma 2 comma ellipsis comma n). (You can think of the previous notation as having data that are comprised of n observations and p variables)

The initial objective is to find a linear transformation y Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline equals bold italic a 1 Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic x Subscript i Baseline equals sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts a Subscript 1 j Baseline x Subscript i j Baseline comma where bold italic a 1 equals left parenthesis a 11 comma period period period comma a Subscript 1 p Baseline right parenthesis Superscript upper T is a vector of constants such that the Varleft parenthesis y .1 right parenthesis is maximised, subject to the normalising constraint bold italic a 1 Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a 1 equals 1.

We can prove mathematically that choosing bold italic a 1 to be the eigenvector, bold italic u .1, associated with the largest eigenvalue, lamda 1 of normal upper Sigma, the variance-covariance matrix of our data, gives us a first principal component with the correct properties. Similarly the j Superscript th principal component is simply the eigenvector, bold italic u Subscript period j, associated with the j Superscript th largest eigenvalue, lamda Subscript j. The proof of this can be seen in the following supplementary material (but is not really needed to understand PCA).

Supplement 2

Suppose bold italic upper X Subscript i Baseline equals left parenthesis upper X Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline comma period period period comma upper X Subscript i p Baseline right parenthesis prime is a p dimensional random vector (i.e. a p-vector) with known variance-covariance matrix normal upper Sigma, i.e. Var left parenthesis bold italic upper X Subscript i Baseline right parenthesis equals normal upper Sigma. To find the first principal component upper Y Subscript i Baseline 1 with maximum variance we maximise Var left parenthesis upper Y Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline right parenthesis equals Var left parenthesis bold italic a 1 Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic upper X Subscript i Baseline right parenthesis equals bold italic a 1 Superscript upper T Baseline Var left parenthesis bold italic upper X Subscript i Baseline right parenthesis bold italic a 1 equals bold italic a 1 Superscript upper T Baseline normal upper Sigma bold italic a 1 subject to the normalising constraint bold italic a 1 Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a 1 equals 1. Note that bold italic a 1 Superscript upper T Baseline normal upper Sigma bold italic a 1 is a scalar.

Assuming that normal upper Sigma is a positive-definite symmetric matrix, we know that it will have a spectral decomposition normal upper Sigma equals upper U normal upper Delta upper U Superscript upper T Baseline equals sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j Baseline bold italic u Subscript period j Baseline bold italic u Subscript period j Superscript upper T Baseline period where normal upper Delta is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues in decreasing order and upper U is an orthogonal matrix with lamda Subscript j's corresponding eigenvector, bold italic u Subscript period j, in column j. Then upper V a r left parenthesis upper Y Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline right parenthesis equals bold italic a Superscript upper T Baseline normal upper Sigma bold italic a equals bold italic a Superscript upper T Baseline upper U normal upper Delta upper U Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a equals bold italic b Superscript upper T Baseline normal upper Delta bold italic b with bold italic b equals upper U Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a. If bold italic a Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a equals 1 then bold italic b Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic b equals bold italic a Superscript upper T Baseline upper U upper U Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a equals 1 since we know that upper U is orthogonal. But upper V a r left parenthesis upper Y Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline right parenthesis equals bold italic b Superscript upper T Baseline normal upper Delta bold italic b equals sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j Baseline b Subscript j Baseline b Subscript j Superscript upper T Baseline comma where b Subscript j is the j Superscript t h element of vector bold italic b. The unit length vector that maximizes this is bold italic b 1 equals left parenthesis 1 comma 0 comma period period .0 right parenthesis Superscript upper T and the corresponding bold italic a 1 is the first eigenvector (i.e. the first column of upper U) since bold italic a 1 equals upper U bold italic b 1, noting that since upper U is orthogonal upper U Superscript upper T Baseline upper U equals upper U upper U Superscript upper T Baseline equals upper I Subscript p.

Now suppose we want to obtain upper Y Subscript i Baseline 2 Baseline equals bold italic a 2 Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic upper X Subscript i with bold italic a 2 Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a 2 equals 1 which maximizes the upper V a r left parenthesis bold italic a 2 Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic upper X Subscript i Baseline right parenthesis subject to the constraint bold italic a 2 Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a 1 equals 0 (since upper Y Subscript i Baseline 2 is uncorrelated to upper Y Subscript i Baseline 1). We proceed as before and bold italic b 2 equals left parenthesis 0 comma 1 comma ellipsis comma 0 right parenthesis Superscript upper T and the corresponding bold italic a 2 is the second eigenvector of normal upper Sigma (i.e. the second column of upper U).

The j Superscript th principal component is the j Superscript th eigenvector giving the linear combination, bold italic a Subscript j Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic upper X Subscript i Baseline equals bold italic u Subscript period j Superscript upper T Baseline upper X, picked by this procedure.


Before we start looking at actually using PCA, we need to define some terms.

  • Realisations of the new random variable bold italic y Subscript i Baseline equals left parenthesis y Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline comma period period period comma y Subscript i p Baseline right parenthesis are called the (principal) component scores,

  • bold italic a 1 comma ellipsis comma bold italic a Subscript p Baseline, and the linear transformations they define, are called the principal components and

  • the elements of the eigenvectors bold italic a 1 comma ellipsis comma bold italic a Subscript p Baseline, i.e. the entries in the vectors bold italic a Subscript j Baseline equals left parenthesis a Subscript j Baseline 1 Baseline comma ellipsis comma a Subscript j p Baseline right parenthesis Superscript upper T, the a Subscript j k's are called the component loadings. (where a Subscript j k is the k Superscript th variable's loading for the j Superscript th principal component)

In practice these loadings are often used to attempt to interpret principal components, which we'll discuss in the examples later on.

Task 1

Say we have two-dimensional data given by the following graph.

-2 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0 1 2 x i 1 x i 2
Figure 2

What will this data look like in the new principal component space (where the vertical and horizontal axes are now aligned with the PCs)? Will it have the same shape?

Show answer

The orientation of the data will no longer look as before. The points lying close to a diagonal line indicate strong correlation between the original variables and principal components have no correlation. Our data should look like a cloud of points that no longer follow a line but just look like a random scatter of points centred at the origin left parenthesis 0 comma 0 right parenthesis in the new space. The first graph superimposes the principal component scores data (shown in red triangles) on the original graph; while the second graph shows only the principal component scores data.

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 V1 V2
Figure 3
-2 -1 0 1 2 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1st principal component 2nd principal component
Figure 4

Properties of PCA

We can show (due to the mathematical properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors) the following about PCA:

  1. bold italic upper Y .1 comma bold italic upper Y .2 comma ellipsis comma bold italic upper Y Subscript period p Baseline are pairwise-uncorrelated and Var left parenthesis bold italic upper Y right parenthesis equals diag left parenthesis lamda 1 comma period period period comma lamda Subscript p Baseline right parenthesis equals normal upper Delta. \newline (i.e. the variance of the k Superscript t h component is lamda Subscript k, the k Superscript t h eigenvalue of normal upper Sigma)

  2. The "total variance" is preserved under the principal component transformation. \newline (i.e. sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts Var left parenthesis bold italic upper Y Subscript period j Baseline right parenthesis equals sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts Var left parenthesis bold italic upper X Subscript period j Baseline right parenthesis)

  3. The first k principal components account for the proportion StartFraction sigma summation Underscript l equals 1 Overscript k Endscripts lamda Subscript l Baseline Over sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j Baseline EndFraction of the total variance. \newline (as implied by the previous statement)

Supplement 3

Proof of 1: Cov left parenthesis bold italic upper Y Subscript period j Baseline comma bold italic upper Y Subscript period k Baseline right parenthesis equals bold italic a Subscript j Superscript upper T Baseline normal upper Sigma bold italic a Subscript k Baseline equals bold italic a Subscript j Superscript upper T Baseline lamda Subscript k Baseline bold italic a Subscript k Baseline equals lamda Subscript k Baseline bold italic a Subscript j Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a Subscript k Baseline since normal upper Sigma bold italic a Subscript k Baseline equals lamda Subscript k Baseline bold italic a Subscript k. But bold italic a Subscript j Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic a Subscript k Baseline equals 0 if j not equals k and 1 if j equals k period Therefore: StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column Cov left parenthesis bold italic upper Y Subscript period j Baseline comma bold italic upper Y Subscript period k Baseline right parenthesis 2nd Column equals 3rd Column lamda Subscript k Baseline if j equals k semicolon 2nd Row 1st Column Cov left parenthesis bold italic upper Y Subscript period j Baseline comma bold italic upper Y Subscript period k Baseline right parenthesis 2nd Column equals 3rd Column 0 if j not equals k period EndLayout hence Var left parenthesis bold italic upper Y right parenthesis equals diag left parenthesis lamda 1 comma period period period comma lamda Subscript p Baseline right parenthesis equals normal upper Delta and Var left parenthesis bold italic upper Y Subscript period j Baseline right parenthesis equals lamda Subscript j Baseline.

Proof of 2: StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts Var left parenthesis bold italic upper Y Subscript period j Baseline right parenthesis 2nd Column equals 3rd Column trace left parenthesis normal upper Delta right parenthesis equals sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j Baseline comma 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals 3rd Column trace left parenthesis upper U Superscript upper T Baseline normal upper Sigma upper U right parenthesis equals trace left parenthesis normal upper Sigma upper U upper U Superscript upper T Baseline right parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals 3rd Column trace left parenthesis normal upper Sigma right parenthesis equals sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts Var left parenthesis bold italic upper X Subscript period j Baseline right parenthesis period EndLayout Note that upper U Superscript upper T Baseline normal upper Sigma upper U equals upper U Superscript upper T Baseline upper U normal upper Delta upper U Superscript upper T Baseline upper U equals normal upper Delta, where normal upper Delta equals diag left parenthesis lamda 1 comma period period period comma lamda Subscript p Baseline right parenthesis the diagonal matrix of eigenvectors in descending order and for square matrices upper A comma upper B comma upper C, the ordering of multiplication within the trace operator can be switched, i.e. trace left parenthesis upper A upper B upper C right parenthesis equals trace left parenthesis upper B upper C upper A right parenthesis.

Proof of 3 follows from 1 and 2.

PCA Use in Reducing Dimensionality

So we have p components where before we had p variables. Where's the dimension reduction?

The principal components p times p matrix upper A equals left bracket a 1 comma ellipsis comma a Subscript p Baseline right bracket provides a useful coordinate system to display the data graphically, since most of the variation of the data will be contained in the first few components. By working with the first k principal components, (accounting for StartFraction sigma summation Underscript l equals 1 Overscript k Endscripts lamda Subscript l Baseline Over sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j Baseline EndFraction dot 100 percent sign of variance) dimension reduction is usually achieved without substantial loss of information. The projection of bold italic upper X onto this coordinate system is bold italic upper Y equals upper A Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic upper X. Since this is an orthogonal transformation, it is a rotation.

Covariance versus correlation

Note that PCA can be sensitive to scale differences in the variables, e.g. if the first variable has a very high variance compared to the others, it will be over-represented in the PCA (i.e. will get a greater loading than is warranted). Therefore, when the variables are measured in different units or the variances are very different over different variables, it is wise to perform PCA on the correlation matrix rather than the covariance matrix. This is equivalent to standardising the variables.

PCA in practice

In practice we will not have the true population covariance matrix normal upper Sigma or the true correlation matrix, so we can estimate the population covariance matrix with the standard sample covariance matrix for observation vectors bold italic x 1 comma ellipsis comma bold italic x Subscript n Baseline with bold italic x Subscript i Baseline equals left parenthesis x Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline comma ellipsis comma x Subscript i p Baseline right parenthesis Superscript upper T:

bold italic upper S equals StartFraction 1 Over n EndFraction sigma summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript n Endscripts left parenthesis bold italic x Subscript i Baseline minus bold italic x overbar right parenthesis left parenthesis bold italic x Subscript i Baseline minus bold italic x overbar right parenthesis Superscript upper T or for the n times p matrix upper X: left parenthesis n minus 1 right parenthesis bold italic upper S equals left parenthesis upper X minus StartFraction 1 Over n EndFraction bold 1 bold 1 Superscript upper T Baseline upper X right parenthesis Superscript upper T Baseline left parenthesis upper X minus StartFraction 1 Over n EndFraction bold 1 bold 1 Superscript upper T Baseline upper X right parenthesis equals left parenthesis upper X Superscript upper T Baseline upper X minus n bold italic x overbar bold italic x overbar Superscript upper T Baseline right parenthesis where bold 1 is a p times 1 column vector of ones and bold italic x overbar equals left parenthesis x 1 overbar comma ellipsis comma x Subscript p Baseline overbar right parenthesis Superscript upper T denotes the vector of variable means.

If we construct a diagonal matrix upper D with entries equal to the reciprocal of the square root of the diagonal entries of S, i.e. upper D Subscript i i Baseline equals 1 divided by StartRoot upper S Subscript i i Baseline EndRoot, then the sample correlation matrix bold italic upper R is given by bold italic upper R equals upper D bold italic upper S upper D We perform an eigenanalysis on either bold italic upper S or bold italic upper R (which as positive semi-definite matrices will give non-negative eigenvalues). Given the resulting eigenvector matrix upper U we usually select q (less than p) columns and use the resulting p times q matrix upper A to construct the component scores for each observation bold italic x Subscript i via: bold italic y Subscript i Baseline equals upper A Superscript upper T Baseline bold italic x Subscript i Each observation results in a q minusvector of scores, bold italic y Subscript i Baseline equals left parenthesis y Subscript i Baseline 1 Baseline comma ellipsis comma y Subscript i q Baseline right parenthesis Superscript upper T.

Sometimes, the mean of the variables is subtracted before projecting onto the principal component space giving the component score equation: bold italic y Subscript i Baseline equals upper A Superscript upper T Baseline left parenthesis bold italic x Subscript i Baseline minus bold italic x overbar right parenthesis The scores produced in R will be centred in this way. If we choose q to be 2 or 3, the data can then be visualised in the reduced space (via scatterplots or pairs plots).

Choosing the number of principal components

While we want to reduce the dimensionality as much as possible, we also don't want to lose too much information when doing so. There are a number of different strategies for deciding on the number of components, q, to keep. Here we list the three most popular.

  1. Proportion of Variation: The variance of each component j is given by the corresponding eigenvalue of upper S divided by upper R, lamda Subscript j. We know that the total variance of the original matrix is equal to the sum of all eigenvalues, sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j, so we decide on a proportion of variance that we want retained by the principal component analysis, usually at least 80%, and keep the number of eigenvalues that will give at least this proportion of variance, i.e. q such that sigma summation Underscript l equals 1 Overscript q Endscripts lamda Subscript l Baseline divided by sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j Baseline greater than or equals 0.8. (Note that for the sample correlation matrix upper R, sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j Baseline equals p.)

  2. Cattell's method: Plot the cumulative proportion of variance explained by the first k components, sigma summation Underscript l equals 1 Overscript k Endscripts lamda Subscript l divided by sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j versus the number of components k. This is known as a scree plot. We choose the number of components where the scree plot levels off. Another type of scree plot simply plots the component variation, the eigenvalues, lamda Subscript j versus the component numbers j. Again the point before the plot levels off is chosen to be the number of retained components.

  3. Kaiser's method: Alternatively, we can choose to retain the components whose eigenvalues are greater than the average eigenvalue, lamda overbar equals sigma summation Underscript j equals 1 Overscript p Endscripts lamda Subscript j Baseline divided by p (for the correlation matrix this will be 1). Since the components are in decreasing order of eigenvalue, this equates to choosing the number of components where the component beyond the last one selected has eigenvalue less than the average.

Summary of PCA

  • When is PCA useful? We will only be able to reduce the dimensionality without losing large amounts of information when the original variables are highly correlated. When the correlation between variables is weak, we will need a large number of components to capture enough variability. So, before using PCA in practice, you should always examine the sample correlation matrix to see if PCA is worthwhile.

  • Sample Correlation or Sample Covariance Matrix? If the variables have been recorded on different scales or they have very different variances, then it is advisable to base the analysis on the sample correlation matrix. Note that the correlation matrix can only be used in cases without constant variables.

  • How many components should be retained? If PCA is appropriate, you should always specify which method of selecting the number of components in advance of running the analysis: either proportion of variation (along with the proportion desired), Cattell's scree plot method or Kaiser's method.

  • Interpretation of the components Since the components are simply a mathematical construct to preserve variation, there is no particular reason why the resulting principal components (the eigenvectors/loadings vectors) should have an interpretation. You can think of the loading elements of the same approximate value as being an average of those variables. If there are some positive and some negative loadings in an eigenvector, you can consider this as the difference between 2 averages (or the contrast). Note that the eigenvectors are only uniquely defined up to a sign change.

  • Assumptions No model or distribution is assumed for the data in order to run PCA.

  • Inference It is possible to perform inference for the population principal components, but this will not be considered here. It is more usual in practice to use PCA as a descriptive technique than a method of formal analysis.

  • Influence of outliers on PCA One topic that could be explored further is the effect of outliers on a PCA analysis. Outliers can have a drastic effect on the sample mean vector and sample covariance/correlation matrix and indeed it is correct to assume that PCA can also be severely distorted by outliers. Hence it is advisable to check the data for outliers prior to performing PCA or, alternatively, to use a robust estimate of the covariance/correlation matrix when applying the PCA.

  • Examine the PC Scores Plot. It is useful to look at the PC Scores Plot to explore any structure in the data, e.g. clusters, unusual observations, etc.

Applying PCA in R

There are two common commands in R for principal component analysis, prcomp and princomp. We will focus on princomp but the two are very similar (princomp uses eigen to compute the PCA, while prcomp uses svd which can be more stable in some cases, particularly when there are more variables than observations in a dataset).


  • the first argument of princomp is the n times p data matrix while

  • the second argument is cor which is set to TRUE if the sample correlation matrix is to be used in the PCA and FALSE if the sample covariance matrix is to be used (this is the default).

The fitted object produces a list with various entries:

  • the entry sdev gives the standard deviations (the square roots of the eigenvalues) of the components,

  • the loadings entry is a matrix with the eigenvectors in the columns,

  • centre gives the means subtracted,

  • if the argument scores = TRUE then the output will also include an n times p matrix of principal component scores.

Using plot on the fitted object will result in a scree plot.

The following video looks at a three-dimensional dataset on turtles and discusses how to apply PCA and choose the number of components to retain.

VideoPCA Worked Example (First Part)Duration17:07
Example 1

Let's take a look at a dataset on wine. This dataset gives the results of a chemical analysis of wines grown in the same region in Italy but derived from three different cultivars. The analysis determined the quantities of 13 constituents found in each of the three types of wines. The data were sourced from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and you can find more information about them here.

wine <- read.csv("")
str(wine, vec.len = 2)
R Console
'data.frame':	178 obs. of  14 variables:
 $ Class                       : int  1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Alcohol                     : num  14.2 13.2 ...
 $ Malic.acid                  : num  1.71 1.78 2.36 1.95 2.59 ...
 $ Ash                         : num  2.43 2.14 2.67 2.5 2.87 ...
 $ Alcalinity.of.ash           : num  15.6 11.2 18.6 16.8 21 ...
 $ Magnesium                   : int  127 100 101 113 118 ...
 $ Total.phenols               : num  2.8 2.65 2.8 3.85 2.8 ...
 $ Flavanoids                  : num  3.06 2.76 3.24 3.49 2.69 ...
 $ Nonflavanoid.phenols        : num  0.28 0.26 0.3 0.24 0.39 ...
 $ Proanthocyanins             : num  2.29 1.28 2.81 2.18 1.82 ...
 $ Colour.intensity            : num  5.64 4.38 5.68 7.8 4.32 ...
 $ Hue                         : num  1.04 1.05 1.03 0.86 1.04 ...
 $ OD280.OD315.of.diluted.wines: num  3.92 3.4 3.17 3.45 2.93 ...
 $ Proline                     : int  1065 1050 1185 1480 735 ...
R Console
Class          Alcohol        Malic.acid         Ash       
 Min.   :1.000   Min.   :11.03   Min.   :0.740   Min.   :1.360  
 1st Qu.:1.000   1st Qu.:12.36   1st Qu.:1.603   1st Qu.:2.210  
 Median :2.000   Median :13.05   Median :1.865   Median :2.360  
 Mean   :1.938   Mean   :13.00   Mean   :2.336   Mean   :2.367  
 3rd Qu.:3.000   3rd Qu.:13.68   3rd Qu.:3.083   3rd Qu.:2.558  
 Max.   :3.000   Max.   :14.83   Max.   :5.800   Max.   :3.230  
 Alcalinity.of.ash   Magnesium      Total.phenols     Flavanoids   
 Min.   :10.60     Min.   : 70.00   Min.   :0.980   Min.   :0.340  
 1st Qu.:17.20     1st Qu.: 88.00   1st Qu.:1.742   1st Qu.:1.205  
 Median :19.50     Median : 98.00   Median :2.355   Median :2.135  
 Mean   :19.49     Mean   : 99.74   Mean   :2.295   Mean   :2.029  
 3rd Qu.:21.50     3rd Qu.:107.00   3rd Qu.:2.800   3rd Qu.:2.875  
 Max.   :30.00     Max.   :162.00   Max.   :3.880   Max.   :5.080  
 Nonflavanoid.phenols Proanthocyanins Colour.intensity      Hue        
 Min.   :0.1300       Min.   :0.410   Min.   : 1.280   Min.   :0.4800  
 1st Qu.:0.2700       1st Qu.:1.250   1st Qu.: 3.220   1st Qu.:0.7825  
 Median :0.3400       Median :1.555   Median : 4.690   Median :0.9650  
 Mean   :0.3619       Mean   :1.591   Mean   : 5.058   Mean   :0.9574  
 3rd Qu.:0.4375       3rd Qu.:1.950   3rd Qu.: 6.200   3rd Qu.:1.1200  
 Max.   :0.6600       Max.   :3.580   Max.   :13.000   Max.   :1.7100  
 OD280.OD315.of.diluted.wines    Proline      
 Min.   :1.270                Min.   : 278.0  
 1st Qu.:1.938                1st Qu.: 500.5  
 Median :2.780                Median : 673.5  
 Mean   :2.612                Mean   : 746.9  
 3rd Qu.:3.170                3rd Qu.: 985.0  
 Max.   :4.000                Max.   :1680.0
# skim gives an alternative to summary library(skimr)
# skim_with(integer=list(complete=NULL,missing=NULL,p0=NULL,p100=NULL,hist =
# NULL),numeric = list(complete=NULL,missing=NULL,p0=NULL,p100=NULL,hist =
# NULL)) If you want specific columns to disappear from the output you use the
# following
# skim_with(integer=list(complete=NULL,missing=NULL,p0=NULL,p100=NULL,hist =
# NULL), numeric = list(complete=NULL,missing=NULL,p0=NULL,p100=NULL,hist =
# NULL)) devtools::install_github('haozhu233/kableExtra') library(kableExtra)
# kable(skim(wine))

The first thing we always want to do with data is plot them to see if we can see any unusual features (particularly outliers and skewness which could affect our PCA).

pairs(wine[,c(1:2,5:8,14)],pch=20,lower.panel = NULL)
1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Class 11 13 Alcohol 10 20 30 Alcalinity.of.ash 80 120 160 Magnesium 1.0 2.5 Total.phenols 1 3 5 Flavanoids 400 1200 1.0 2.0 3.0 11 13 10 20 30 80 120 160 1.0 2.5 1 3 5 400 1200 400 1200 Proline
Figure 5

It's a little hard to see anything clearly but we can see that the first variable is not continuous (it only takes three values). We can also see potential outliers in a couple of scatterplots e.g. lower right corner of Flavanoids and Proline plot. There is evidence of some strong linear relationships between some pairs of variables, e.g. Total phenols and Flavanoids in particular. We can use the base command plot AND the identify command to look at the Flanavoids and Proline graph and identify the outlier (on the far right).

# Use the mouse to click on the point you want and the Esc key to stop the command
1 2 3 4 5 400 800 1200 1600 Flanavoids Proline
Figure 6

We can now remove the outlier (i.e. the 122th observation) and the first variable (i.e. Class) from our dataset and look at a correlation matrix.<-wine[-122,-1]
corrplot 0.88 loaded
library(corrplot);M <- cor(;corrplot(M, method = "number",type="upper")
1.00 0.09 1.00 0.25 0.17 1.00 -0.29 0.30 0.42 1.00 0.29 -0.05 0.27 -0.11 1.00 0.31 -0.34 0.11 -0.35 0.21 1.00 0.28 -0.42 0.06 -0.42 0.18 0.87 1.00 -0.15 0.29 0.18 0.36 -0.26 -0.46 -0.57 1.00 0.14 -0.22 0.00 -0.21 0.23 0.61 0.66 -0.37 1.00 0.56 0.25 0.26 0.01 0.20 -0.06 -0.18 0.14 -0.03 1.00 -0.07 -0.56 -0.07 -0.28 0.06 0.44 0.56 -0.26 0.30 -0.52 1.00 0.09 -0.37 -0.02 -0.31 0.06 0.70 0.79 -0.52 0.52 -0.44 0.57 1.00 0.64 -0.19 0.25 -0.44 0.40 0.51 0.52 -0.31 0.33 0.32 0.24 0.32 1.00 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Alcohol Malic.acid Ash Alcalinity.of.ash Magnesium Total.phenols Flavanoids Nonfl.phenols Proanthocyanins Colour.intensity Hue OD280.OD315 Proline Alcohol Malic.acid Ash Alcalinity.of.ash Magnesium Total.phenols Flavanoids Nonfl.phenols Proanthocyanins Colour.intensity Hue OD280.OD315 Proline
Figure 7

Looking at the correlation matrix we see some fairly high correlations (0.87 between Flavanoids and Total phenols, 0.79 between Flavanoids and OD280 OD315 of diluted wines) and other correlations in the more moderate range. So it does seem realistic that some dimension reduction could be possible.

Should we use a correlation or covariance matrix in our PCA? Let's have a look at the variances first.

R Console
Alcohol        Malic.acid               Ash Alcalinity.of.ash 
             0.65              1.25              0.07             10.75 
        Magnesium     Total.phenols        Flavanoids     Nonfl.phenols 
           203.03              0.39              0.95              0.02 
  Proanthocyanins  Colour.intensity               Hue       OD280.OD315 
             0.33              5.40              0.05              0.50 

Well, looking at the variances we can see huge differences between the variables (e.g. Ash and Proline, etc) which strongly suggests we use the correlation matrix.

wine.pca<-princomp(, cor=T)
R Console
princomp(x =, cor = T)

Standard deviations:
   Comp.1    Comp.2    Comp.3    Comp.4    Comp.5    Comp.6    Comp.7    Comp.8 
2.1861050 1.5899422 1.1601299 0.9617078 0.9282584 0.8004340 0.7439816 0.5794238 
   Comp.9   Comp.10   Comp.11   Comp.12   Comp.13 
0.5397900 0.5024390 0.4813398 0.4073751 0.2986393 

 13  variables and  177 observations.

As expected, since we had 13 variables to start with (and 177 observations), we get 13 components. The standard deviation of the first component is large compared to the others but it is hard to see from this how many components we should retain.

In order to make this decision we have to decide which of the three methods we wish to use to decide on the number of retained components. For this example, we'll see all of them but remember, in practice, we should only ever have used one.

Proportion of variance: Let's say we wanted to decide on this based on proportion of variance and we wanted to have at least 90% of the original variability explained. We need to see the cumulative proportions of variance for all the components which we get using the summary command.

R Console
Importance of components:
                          Comp.1    Comp.2    Comp.3     Comp.4     Comp.5
Standard deviation     2.1861050 1.5899422 1.1601299 0.96170782 0.92825842
Proportion of Variance 0.3676196 0.1944551 0.1035309 0.07114476 0.06628182
Cumulative Proportion  0.3676196 0.5620747 0.6656056 0.73675038 0.80303220
                          Comp.6     Comp.7     Comp.8     Comp.9    Comp.10
Standard deviation     0.8004340 0.74398164 0.57942382 0.53978997 0.50243903
Proportion of Variance 0.0492842 0.04257759 0.02582554 0.02241332 0.01941884
Cumulative Proportion  0.8523164 0.89489400 0.92071953 0.94313286 0.96255170
                          Comp.11    Comp.12     Comp.13
Standard deviation     0.48133977 0.40737507 0.298639313
Proportion of Variance 0.01782215 0.01276573 0.006860418
Cumulative Proportion  0.98037386 0.99313958 1.000000000

We can see here that if we wanted at least 90%, the smallest number of components that will give us that is 8 (as 7 only explain 89%).

Task 2

How many components should we have chosen if we wanted 80% of the original variability explained? What about 95%?

Show answer

Looking at the Cumulative Proportion line we see:

  • for 80% we would only need 5 components

  • for 95% we would need 10 components.

Example 2

Cattell's method: To use this method, we need to produce a scree plot of the proportion of variance versus component number. We expect this to drop off (since the eigenvalues are in decreasing order) but what we are looking for in the plot is a bend, where the rate of decrease suddenly reduces. The component number at the bend is the number we look to retain. Remember, because this method uses plot assessment, it is quite subjective and not unusual for different people to see different answers. We produce this using the plot command to the princomp fitted object.

Comp.1 Comp.3 Comp.5 Comp.7 Comp.9 wine.pca Variances 0 1 2 3 4 This isn't an unambiguous plot, unfortunately. There are a couple of different place that we could say represent a change in rate of decrease: between components 3 and 4, or 5 and 6 or 7 and 8. If we wanted to really reduce the dimensionality we could argue the first one and say we are retaining 3 components.

Kaiser's method: Here we need to look at finding the average eigenvalue to discover which set of components have variation above it that we will retain. Because we used the correlation matrix, we know the average should be 1 but let's check.

# Extract the component standard deviations
# Find the average variance, take the mean after squaring them
R Console
[1] 1
# Find which components have higher than average variance (TRUE)
R Console
Comp.1  Comp.2  Comp.3  Comp.4  Comp.5  Comp.6  Comp.7  Comp.8  Comp.9 Comp.10 
Comp.11 Comp.12 Comp.13 

So based on this, we would retain the first 3 PCs.

Task 3

Some social scientists use Joliffe's rule, which says that for a PCA run on correlation, only those PCs with variation above 0.6 should be retained. Using a version of the previous code to pull out the variances of the PCs, find out how many PCs should be retained according to this rule.

Show answer

Applying that rule in R we have:

R Console
Comp.1     Comp.2     Comp.3     Comp.4     Comp.5     Comp.6     Comp.7 
4.77905526 2.52791634 1.34590144 0.92488193 0.86166370 0.64069465 0.55350868 
    Comp.8     Comp.9    Comp.10    Comp.11    Comp.12    Comp.13 
0.33573196 0.29137321 0.25244498 0.23168797 0.16595445 0.08918544
R Console
Comp.1  Comp.2  Comp.3  Comp.4  Comp.5  Comp.6  Comp.7  Comp.8  Comp.9 Comp.10 
Comp.11 Comp.12 Comp.13 

So we see that according to the new rule, we would retain 6 components.

The following video discusses interpreting loadings, calculating scores and the general set of questions asked when running a PCA.

VideoPCA Worked Example (Second Part)Duration12:38
Example 3

Now we're going to look at if there is any interpretation that can be attached to the loadings of the PCA for our wine data. In order to do that we extract the loadings (or rotation) matrix from the fitted object.

Interpreting these can be something of an art. We look at each column in turn, look for variables with reasonably large positive values, group them together and then look for variables with reasonably large negative values and group them together. The PC is interpreted as being the contrast between these groups of variables. If all variables of reasonable size loading have the same sign then that PC is interpreted as the (weighted) average or overall score of these variables.

R Console
Comp.1       Comp.2      Comp.3       Comp.4
Alcohol            0.149122514  0.485555741  0.17407847  0.009290005
Malic.acid        -0.242463819  0.223443550 -0.08786790 -0.540664071
Ash               -0.009586478  0.328328599 -0.64011224  0.194647375
Alcalinity.of.ash -0.250346241 -0.008123314 -0.61163461 -0.083786308
Magnesium          0.138690160  0.299087400 -0.11171780  0.367268278
Total.phenols      0.391800881  0.063885614 -0.13714253 -0.205480320
Flavanoids         0.426727328 -0.005371811 -0.11224538 -0.157668691
Nonfl.phenols     -0.298883085  0.030423001 -0.15662737  0.183269298
Proanthocyanins    0.309978301  0.037335041 -0.15316499 -0.399805096
Colour.intensity  -0.087565645  0.524727427  0.17887557 -0.066407169
Hue                0.293857121 -0.275287273 -0.13045957  0.419157734
OD280.OD315        0.373092215 -0.164998633 -0.16727410 -0.188596177
Proline            0.287635764  0.363611710  0.09622339  0.227194542
                       Comp.5       Comp.6      Comp.7       Comp.8
Alcohol            0.26592996  0.206791287  0.06076710  0.461324360
Malic.acid        -0.05603543  0.516225841 -0.43803175  0.090514669
Ash                0.13900243  0.141761650  0.14255139 -0.280914365
Alcalinity.of.ash -0.08370602 -0.125541975  0.30971341  0.433857052
Magnesium         -0.72229570  0.027466546 -0.32614912 -0.095474838
Total.phenols      0.13876016 -0.085524119  0.02038041 -0.390037222
Flavanoids         0.10673293 -0.006399587  0.04580641 -0.129026484
Nonfl.phenols      0.50008515 -0.277102460 -0.60022016 -0.173481138
Proanthocyanins   -0.15844164 -0.566623853 -0.33126816  0.286481235
Colour.intensity   0.07868683 -0.399170503  0.23274848 -0.003260189
Hue                0.17838345  0.081005629 -0.22090863  0.465274293
OD280.OD315        0.09167382  0.267109729  0.02984656 -0.040043776
Proline            0.16078018  0.108103550 -0.07375147  0.060731298
# summary(wine.pca) Feel free to try this also

Recall that the blanks indicate zeros, i.e. variables with no weigth in that particular component. We can see that there are two sets of variables with reasonable size weights here, ones with pluses and ones with minuses so we would interpret this component as the difference between the average of alcohol, magnesium, total phenols, flavanoids, proanthocyanins, hue, OD280 OD315 of diluted wines and proline and the average of malic acid, alcalinity of ash, nonflavanoid phenols and colour intensity. We can do the same with all other components that we have decided to retain.

Task 4

How would you interpret the third principal component in Example 3?

Show answer

Although there are a large number of positive and negative non-zero loadings, the really dominant ones in terms of size (approximately 0.6) are ash and alcalinity of ash so this component mainly seems to be interested in ash and its properties in wine.

Example 4

We are usually interested in examining what the data look like in the new reduced space. The scores for the PCs on the original data are automatically produced by princomp. So we can look at the pairs plot of the 3 PCs we decided to retain.<-wine.pca$scores[,1:3]
pairs(,pch=20, lower.panel = NULL)
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 Comp.1 -4 -2 0 2 Comp.2 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 Comp.3
Figure 8

Interestingly, we see evidence of potentially two or more groups in the data (rather than a single homogeneous population). There may also be a couple of outliers. We could iterate this process by finding the outliers, removing them from the data and running PCA again. Often PCA is an iterative process, rather than a one and done kind of deal.

Task 5

Try to calculate a first component score for the new observation left parenthesis 12 comma 4 comma 3 comma 25 comma 100 comma 2 comma 1 comma 0.4 comma 2 comma 4 comma 1 comma 2 comma 600 right parenthesis first by hand (using R as a calculator) and then using the predict command. You will need the centring vector, wine.pca:inlineMath[175]scale, as well as the first component loadings, wine.pca$loadings[,1].

You will have to centre the new observation by taking away the centre vector. Then, because we used the correlation matrix and so we were working with standardised data, you have to scale the resulting centred vector by dividing by the scale vector. Finally you should take the inner product of the resulting standardised version of the new observation with the vector of first principal component loadings, resulting in the score.

Show answer

To calculate the first component score

# By hand using R as a calculator

R Console
[1,] -1.852166
# Using the predict command
R Console
Comp.1   Comp.2    Comp.3    Comp.4     Comp.5    Comp.6    Comp.7
[1,] -1.852166 0.196511 -2.909757 -0.290249 -0.5356328 0.1049906 -0.488592
        Comp.8    Comp.9    Comp.10   Comp.11   Comp.12   Comp.13
[1,] 0.1793053 -1.296705 -0.7004643 0.4829155 0.1600023 0.7121765

We can see the answer by hand is the same as the first element of the predict result. If we were using PCA on the covariance matrix, we would skip the scaling stage (only centering before taking the inner product).

Example 5

In this example we are going to look at a new data set on employment in 26 European countries but you are going to be doing all the work!

The data gives for each of 26 European countries the percentage of the total workforce in each in 1979 employed in nine different industries (Hand et al, 1994)

Variable nameDescription
Agriculture% employed in agriculture
Mining% employed in mining
Manufacture% employed in manufacturing
Power% employed in power supply industries
Construction% employed in construction
Service% employed in service industries
Finance% employed in finance
Social% employed in social and personal services
Transport% employed in transport & communications
R Console
Belgium   3.3    0.9 27.6   0.9    8.2    19.1     6.2   26.6   7.2
Denmark   9.2    0.1 21.8   0.6    8.3    14.6     6.5   32.2   7.1
France   10.8    0.8 27.5   0.9    8.9    16.8     6.0   22.6   5.7
WGerm     6.7    1.3 35.8   0.9    7.3    14.4     5.0   22.3   6.1

First we want to explore the data. So we start by producing numerical summaries

R Console
AGRIC           MINING           MANU           POWER       
 Min.   : 2.70   Min.   :0.100   Min.   : 7.90   Min.   :0.1000  
 1st Qu.: 7.70   1st Qu.:0.525   1st Qu.:23.00   1st Qu.:0.6000  
 Median :14.45   Median :0.950   Median :27.55   Median :0.8500  
 Mean   :19.13   Mean   :1.254   Mean   :27.01   Mean   :0.9077  
 3rd Qu.:23.68   3rd Qu.:1.800   3rd Qu.:30.20   3rd Qu.:1.1750  
 Max.   :66.80   Max.   :3.100   Max.   :41.20   Max.   :1.9000  
     CONSTR          SERVICE         FINANCE           SOCIAL     
 Min.   : 2.800   Min.   : 5.20   Min.   : 0.500   Min.   : 5.30  
 1st Qu.: 7.525   1st Qu.: 9.25   1st Qu.: 1.225   1st Qu.:16.25  
 Median : 8.350   Median :14.40   Median : 4.650   Median :19.65  
 Mean   : 8.165   Mean   :12.96   Mean   : 4.000   Mean   :20.02  
 3rd Qu.: 8.975   3rd Qu.:16.88   3rd Qu.: 5.925   3rd Qu.:24.12  
 Max.   :11.500   Max.   :19.10   Max.   :11.300   Max.   :32.40  
 Min.   :3.200  
 1st Qu.:5.700  
 Median :6.700  
 Mean   :6.546  
 3rd Qu.:7.075  
 Max.   :9.400
# skim gives an alternative to summary
# kable(skim(employ))

The next obvious step is to produce some graphical summaries.

Task 6
  • Produce a sensible plot or plots for these data and comment on them.

  • Produce two important numerical summaries for deciding on how to run PCA and to tell how successful it is likely to be. Comment on these.

  • Run PCA on the appropriate matrix and look at the output.

  • Assuming we are most concerned with preserving information, how many coefficients should we retain if we want to have 90% of the original variability kept?

  • Assuming we want to use Cattell's method, how many components would we retain?

  • Assuming we want to use Kaiser's method, how many components would we retain?

  • Assuming we have decided to retain 2 components, is there any useful interpretation to be had for these?

Show answer

Let's first produce the pairs plot in R

# Look at the pairs plots for the data
pairs(employ,pch=20, lower.panel=NULL)
10 40 10 40 AGRIC 0.0 1.5 3.0 MINING 10 25 40 MANU 0.5 1.5 POWER 4 8 CONSTR 6 12 SERVICE 2 6 FINANCE 5 20 SOCIAL 3 5 7 9 10 40 0.0 1.5 3.0 10 25 40 0.5 1.5 4 8 6 12 2 6 5 20 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9 TRANS
Figure 9

Comment: There are a couple of possible outliers. (We'll leave these for the moment and see if they appear again in our scores plot in the end for whether we need to re-run PCA without them included.) The data doesn't appear to fall into groups. There seem to be some linear relationships between pairs of variables but they are not very strong.

It's important to have a look at the correlation and variance of the variables.

# Display the correlation matrix to 2 d.p.s
# library(matrixcalc)
R Console
AGRIC    1.00   0.04 -0.67 -0.40  -0.54   -0.74   -0.22  -0.75 -0.56
MINING   0.04   1.00  0.45  0.41  -0.03   -0.40   -0.44  -0.28  0.16
MANU    -0.67   0.45  1.00  0.39   0.49    0.20   -0.16   0.15  0.35
POWER   -0.40   0.41  0.39  1.00   0.06    0.20    0.11   0.13  0.38
CONSTR  -0.54  -0.03  0.49  0.06   1.00    0.36    0.02   0.16  0.39
SERVICE -0.74  -0.40  0.20  0.20   0.36    1.00    0.37   0.57  0.19
FINANCE -0.22  -0.44 -0.16  0.11   0.02    0.37    1.00   0.11 -0.25
SOCIAL  -0.75  -0.28  0.15  0.13   0.16    0.57    0.11   1.00  0.57
TRANS   -0.56   0.16  0.35  0.38   0.39    0.19   -0.25   0.57  1.00
# Look at the standard deviations of the variables
R Console
   15.5     1.0     7.0     0.4     1.6     4.6     2.8     6.8     1.4

Comment: There are some strong correlation (around -0.7) but a lot of weak (close to zero) correlations as well. It may be possible to achieve some dimension reduction here but not a lot. The variation for some variables is much bigger than for others, therefore we should use the correlation matrix and not the covariance matrix in PCA.

We can use the princomp command.

R Console
princomp(x = employ, cor = T)

Standard deviations:
     Comp.1      Comp.2      Comp.3      Comp.4      Comp.5      Comp.6 
1.867391569 1.459511268 1.048311791 0.997237674 0.737033056 0.619215363 
     Comp.7      Comp.8      Comp.9 
0.475135828 0.369851221 0.006754636 

 9  variables and  26 observations.

The summary function can give us information about how many components we should keep.

R Console
Importance of components:
                          Comp.1    Comp.2    Comp.3    Comp.4     Comp.5
Standard deviation     1.8673916 1.4595113 1.0483118 0.9972377 0.73703306
Proportion of Variance 0.3874613 0.2366859 0.1221064 0.1104981 0.06035753
Cumulative Proportion  0.3874613 0.6241472 0.7462536 0.8567517 0.91710919
                           Comp.6     Comp.7     Comp.8       Comp.9
Standard deviation     0.61921536 0.47513583 0.36985122 6.754636e-03
Proportion of Variance 0.04260307 0.02508378 0.01519888 5.069456e-06
Cumulative Proportion  0.95971227 0.98479605 0.99999493 1.000000e+00

Looking at the Cumulative Proportion line, it is clear that we need to keep 5 components to retain 90% variability.

For Cattell's method we will need to produce a scree plot.

Comp.1 Comp.3 Comp.5 Comp.7 Comp.9 employ.pca Variances 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Figure 10

There are some different possibilities here, depending on how you read the graph. Suggesting 2, 4 or 6 components seems reasonable as that's where we see sudden drops/leveling off in variation.

For Kaiser's method we need to look at finding the average eigenvalue to discover which set of components have variation above it that we will retain.

R Console
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8 Comp.9 

Here we have cheated a bit, since we know the average variance is going to be 1 whenever we use the correlation matrix. We can see that we would retain the first 3 components in this case.

Let's have a look at the loadings from each component first.

R Console
        Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8 Comp.9
AGRIC    0.524                       0.213  0.153                0.806
MINING          0.618 -0.201        -0.164 -0.101 -0.726              
MANU    -0.347  0.355 -0.150 -0.346 -0.385 -0.288  0.479  0.126  0.366
POWER   -0.256  0.261 -0.561  0.393  0.295  0.357  0.256 -0.341       
CONSTR  -0.325         0.153 -0.668  0.472  0.130 -0.221 -0.356       
SERVICE -0.379 -0.350 -0.115        -0.284  0.615 -0.229  0.388  0.238
FINANCE        -0.454 -0.587         0.280 -0.526 -0.187  0.174  0.145
SOCIAL  -0.387 -0.222  0.312  0.412 -0.220 -0.263 -0.191 -0.506  0.351
TRANS   -0.367  0.203  0.375  0.314  0.513 -0.124         0.545       

               Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5 Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8 Comp.9
SS loadings     1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000  1.000
Proportion Var  0.111  0.111  0.111  0.111  0.111  0.111  0.111  0.111  0.111
Cumulative Var  0.111  0.222  0.333  0.444  0.556  0.667  0.778  0.889  1.000
  • Component 1 seems to be the difference between the average of manufacturing, power, construction, service, social and transporation industries, and the agricultural industry. So this new variable will distinguish between countries with agricultural economies and those with industrial economies.

  • Component 2 seems to be the difference between the average of mining, manufacturing, power and transportation industries, and the average of service, finance and social industries. So this new variable distinguishes between contries with relatively large and relatively small service sectors.

We can also visualise the loadings for each of the original variables on the new PC's in the following way (which can make interpretation easier).

# For the first two PC's
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Comp.1 Comp.2 AGRIC MINING MANU POWER CONSTR SERVICE FINANCE SOCIAL TRANS -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Comp.1 Comp.2 AGRIC MINING MANU POWER CONSTR SERVICE FINANCE SOCIAL TRANS
Figure 11

From the first plot, looking along the horizontal axis for interpretation of the first PC's loadings, we see that Finance and Mining are near or on the zero line and so don't come into play. The other sets of variables are on either side of the line, indicating a difference between two averages. We can do something similar with the second plot for the second PC.

Task 7

Say we have the following entries for our observations


Calculate the scores for the two new observations and produce a scatterplot of the data's scores for the first 2 PCs and comment.

Show answer

We can calculate the scores using the following code

newdata<-rbind(obs1,obs2);colnames(newdata)<-colnames(employ)<;<-predict(employ.pca,[, 1:6]
R Console
Comp.1     Comp.2      Comp.3      Comp.4      Comp.5      Comp.6
obs1 -0.9890221 -0.7608272 -0.01661647 -0.46329452 -0.80507442  0.03884813
obs2 -1.4684276 -1.3729179  0.70027077  0.02475385 -0.03188834 -0.66059019

Let's produce the scatterplot first.

plot(employ.scores2$Comp.1,employ.scores2$Comp.2,xlab="Comp.1", ylab="Comp.2")
-2 0 2 4 6 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Comp.1 Comp.2
Figure 12

There definitely seems to be an issue with at least one outlier. It would be worth identifying and removing it/them and re-running PCA to see if it affects the results.

Task 8

The following code will produce the PCA output given in the last 2 videos. Try re-running the code using prcomp instead of princomp. (Just start with the data with the outlier removed)

# Setting the random generator seed to ensure similar responses when re-running code
# Reading in and preparing the data
# Open the library ade3 where the data is
# Load the tortues dataset
# Look at the first few lines of the data
# Extract the females turtles data into a new dataset called fem.turt
# Take the log of all the variables in the new dataset
# Name the variables
colnames(log.fem.turt)<-c("log.length","log.width", "log.breadth")

# Summary Plots
# Create a pairsplot of the data
pairs(log.fem.turt,pch=20, lower.panel=NULL)
# Create a 3-d scatterplot of the data
# Rotate the 3-d scatterplot of the data
# Use your mouse to drag the sliders to change the plot*log.breadth,data=log.fem.turt)

# Numerical Summaries
# Correlation matrix
# Standard deviations

# Principal Component Analysis

# Looking at the scores
# outlier<-identify(pca.turt$scores)

# Run PCA on dataset excluding outlier

# Deciding on number of PCs to retain
# Interpreting the loadings
# Calculating new scores
Show answer

The following code uses prcomp to analyse the turtle data.

# Setting the random generator seed to ensure similar responses when re-running code
# Principal Component Analysis

# Deciding on number of PCs to retain

# Interpreting the loadings and calculating new scores

So not too different!

Learning outcomes for Week 1

  • Intuition behind the need for dimensionality reduction in the data.

  • Understanding of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique.

  • Performing PCA in R and interpreting its output.

  • Different ways of choosing the number of principal components.