R Programming/ Statistical ComputingWeek 2: R Basics

Logical variables and comparisons

VideoLogical variables and comparison operatorsDuration6:48

Logical variables

A logical variable can only hold the two values TRUE and FALSE. Logical variables are sometime called Boolean variables, after George Boole (1815-1864), an English mathematician, logician and philosopher. R has the following three binary operators ! (negation), & (logical AND) and | (logical OR). The table below shows some examples of logical statement combinations and outputs.

expr1expr2!expr1 (NOT)expr1 & expr2 (AND)expr1 | expr2 (OR)
Example 1
a <- TRUE
b <- FALSE
c <- a & !b
R Console
[1] TRUE

In this example c is TRUE, because !b is TRUE and TRUE & TRUE is TRUE.

In R, & has higher precedence than |. So, in the absence of parentheses, & is evaluated before |. For example, TRUE | FALSE & FALSE is treated by R as TRUE | (FALSE & FALSE), which is TRUE. We have to use parentheses to calculate (TRUE | FALSE) & FALSE, which is FALSE.

Task 1

Consider three logical variables.

a <- TRUE
b <- FALSE
c <- TRUE

Without using R determine the values of ...

!a & b
a | !b
!(a | !b)
(a & b) | c
Show answer

If we use R to work out the answers we obtain

!a & b
R Console
a | !b
R Console
[1] TRUE
!(a | !b)
R Console
(a & b) | c
R Console
[1] TRUE
Supplement 1

TRUE and FALSE vs. T and F

R also allows using the shorthands T instead of TRUE and F instead of FALSE. It is however not recommended to use these shorthands. Whereas TRUE and FALSE are reserved keywords, which cannot be overwritten, T and F are just global variables set to TRUE and FALSE, respectively. This means they can be masked by local variables. Nothing (in R) prevents you from setting


and T and F have become the exact opposite of what they are meant to be! Of course, few users would do this deliberately, but it is not inconceivable that you happen to define a variable T or F, which can, depending on its values, have exactly the same effect.

Supplement 2

&& and || vs. & and |

R also has "lazy" operators && and ||. In contrast to & and | they will only evaluate the arguments until the result has become clear. On the other hand, & and | will always evaluate all arguments. expr1&&expr2 will evaluate expr2 only if expr1 is TRUE (otherwise the result is guaranteed to be FALSE no matter what expr2 is). Similarly, expr1||expr2 will evaluate expr2 only if expr1 is FALSE (otherwise the result is guaranteed to be TRUE no matter what expr2 is). && and || can be helpful in conditional if statements. You should not use && and || for vectors of length greater than 1.

In contrast to many other programming languages & and | are not bitwise operators when applied to numbers, but simply coerce the number to a logical variable (ie. everything other than 0 will be treated as TRUE).

Comparison operators

The comparison operators in R are == (testing for exact equality), != ("not exactly equal") <, <=, >, and >=.

The comparison operators return a logical value (i.e. TRUE or FALSE), so you can use the operators !, & and | to combine them to more complex expressions.

Example 2

Consider a variable x set to the number 2.

x <- 2

We can then test whether it is negative or less than or equal to 3.

x < 0
R Console
x <= 3
R Console
[1] TRUE

If we want to test whether x is in the unit interval we can use

x>0 & x<1
R Console

or, equivalently,

!(x<=0 | x>=1)
R Console

Due to rounding and representation errors, you do not want to use == to compare non-integers. For example, despite 0.3 minus 2 times 0.1 equals 0.1, R yields

0.3 - 2 * 0.1 == 0.1
R Console

because the expression on the left-hand side is not exactly 0.1. We see this by subtracting 0.1 from the left-hand side (which should then be exactly zero, but isn't)

0.3-2*0.1 - 0.1
R Console
[1] -2.775558e-17

For non-integers we really only want to test whether they are "nearly equal", we can do so by comparing the absolute difference to a small number (say 10 Superscript negative 8).

abs(0.3-2*0.1 - 0.1) < 1e-8
R Console
[1] TRUE

or use the built-in function all.equal.

isTRUE(all.equal(0.3-2*0.1, 0.1))
R Console
[1] TRUE
Task 2

Create a variable x storing the fraction StartFraction 355 Over 113 EndFraction. Use R to test

  • whether this fraction is less than pi (pi in R),
  • whether this fraction is between 3 and 4, and
  • whether this fraction is within plus or minus 10 Superscript negative 6 of pi.
Show answer

We can use the following R code.

x <- 355 / 113
x < pi
R Console
x>3 & x<4
R Console
[1] TRUE
abs(x-pi) < 1e-6
R Console
[1] TRUE

Vectors in R


So far we have only looked at scalar variables, i.e. variables containing only one value. In most programming languages such scalar variables are the basic data types. R however does not have scalar variables, all variables are vectors. A variable storing a number is for example just a numeric vector of length 1.

Defining vectors

The simplest way to create vectors in R is to use the function c:

a <- c(1, 4, 2)
R Console
[1] 1 4 2

We can use the function c as well to concatenate ("stick together") two vectors:

a <- c(1, 4, 2)
b <- c(5, 9, 13)
c <- c(a, b)
R Console
[1]  1  4  2  5  9 13
Task 3

Create a vector x that contains the values bold x equals left parenthesis 1 comma 3 comma 2 comma 5 right parenthesis and a vector y which contains the values bold y equals left parenthesis 1 comma 0 right parenthesis. Finally, concatenate x and y and store the result as z. Print z.

Show answer

We can use the following R code.

x <- c(1, 3, 2, 5)
y <- c(1, 0)
z <- c(x, y)
R Console
[1] 1 3 2 5 1 0

Naming entries

If the entries of the vectors correspond to quantities with natural names it is a good idea to associate names with the entries of the vector. This can be done using

names(a) <- c("first", "second", "third")
R Console
first second  third 
1      4      2

Alternatively we can set the names when creating the vector using c

a <- c(first=1, second=4, third=2)

Accessing elements

You can use square brackets to access a single element of a vector. x[i] returns the i-th element of the vector x. Using the vector a from above,

R Console

You can use the same notation to change elements of a vector:

a[3] <- 10
R Console
first second  third 
1      4     10

If the element you want to change is beyond the last element of the vector, the vector will be extended, such that the i-th element is the last element.

a[7] <- 99
R Console
first second  third                             
1      4     10     NA     NA     NA     99

If the entries of the vector are named, you can also use the names for accessing elements.

R Console

Subsetting vectors

You can use square brackets not only to access a single element of a vector, but also to subset a vector. There are three ways of specifying subsets of vectors:

You can use a vector specifying the indices to be returned:

a <- c(1, 4, 9, 16)
R Console
[1] 1 4 9

You can use a vector specifying the indices to be removed (as negative numbers):

R Console
[1] 1 4 9

You can use a logical vector specifying the elements to be returned:

R Console
[1] 1 4 9

We can exploit the latter when we want to subset a vector based on its values. Suppose you want to keep all elements in a that are divisible by 2:

R Console
[1]  4 16

Why does this work? a%%2==0 returns a logical vector of length 4, indicating which elements of a are divisible by 2. These elements are then selected from a.

Task 4

Consider the vector x defined as

x <- c(1, 5, 9, 3, 8)

Use all three of the above methods to extract the first, third and fifth entry.

Show answer

We can use the following R code (there are many other equally good answers).

R Console
[1] 1 9 8
R Console
[1] 1 9 8
R Console
[1] 1 9 8

Vectorised calculations


Vectors can be used in arithmetic expressions using the arithmetic operators and the mathematical and statistical functions we have seen when we used R as a calculator in Week 1. In this case the computations are carried out element-wise.

For example,

a <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
b <- c(2, 0, 1, 3)
c <- 2 * a + b
R Console
[1]  4  4  7 11

The third entry of the result, 7, is obtained by taking twice the third entry of the vector a and adding it to third entry of the vector b, i.e. c 3 equals 2 times a 3 plus b 3 equals 2 times 3 plus 1 equals 7.

Recycling rules

If vectors of different length are used in an arithmetic expression, the shorter vector(s) are repeated ("recycled") until they match the length of the longest vector.

a <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
b <- c(2, 0)
a * b
R Console
[1] 2 0 6 0

R has thus "recycled" the vector b once.

If the length of the longest vectors is not a multiple of the length of the shorter vector(s), R will produce a warning. For example,

a <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
b <- c(2, 0, 1)
a * b
## Warning in a * b: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object
## length
[1] 2 0 3 8

The vector b is shorter than the vector a. However, if b is recycled once, it would have 6 elements, making it longer than a. Thus R produces a warning. Such a warning is almost always a sign that you have made a mistake.

Task 5

Consider the following two vectors x and y and their sum

x <- c(1, 2, 9, 4, 5, 6)
y <- c(0, 2)
R Console
[1] 1 4 9 6 5 8

Explain how R has calculated the result.

Show answer

The recycling rules mean that R treats x+y as x+yyy with

yyy <- c(0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2)
R Console
[1] 1 4 9 6 5 8

Sequences and patterned vectors


R has built-in functions to create simple sequences and patterned vectors:

The operator : can be used for creating basic sequences.

R Console
[1] 2 3 4 5

If the first argument is larger then the second argument, then the sequence will be decreasing.

R Console
[1] 1 0

seq(from, to, by) creates a sequence from from to to using by as increment.

seq(1, 2, by=0.2)
R Console
[1] 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

seq(from, to, length.out=n) creates a sequence of total length n with initial value from and ending value to.

seq(3, 5, length.out=5)
R Console
[1] 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0


rep(x, times=n) repeats the vector x n times.

rep(1:3, times=3)
R Console
[1] 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

rep(x, each=n) repeats each element of the vector x n times.

rep(1:3, each=3)
R Console
[1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
Task 6

Create each of the following vectors using :. seq and rep.

2 3 4 5 6
2 4 6
1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 
3 3 4 4 5 5
2 3 4 2 3 4
Show answer

We can use the following R code (there are many other equally good answers).

R Console
[1] 2 3 4 5 6
seq(2, 4, by=2)
R Console
[1] 2 4
seq(1, 2, length.out=5)
R Console
[1] 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
rep(3:5, each=2)
R Console
[1] 3 3 4 4 5 5
rep(2:4, 2)
R Console
[1] 2 3 4 2 3 4

Useful functions for vectors

numeric(n) creates a numeric vector of length n (containing 0's).

length(x) returns the length (number of elements) of the vector x.

unique(x) returns the unique elements of x.

rev(x) reverses the vector x, i.e. returns left parenthesis x Subscript n Baseline period ellipsis comma x 1 right parenthesis


The function sort(x) sorts the vector x. The function order(x) returns the permutation required to sort the vector x Consider the vector

x <- c(11, 7, 3, 9, 4)

We can sort x using

R Console
[1]  3  4  7  9 11

So what does the function order do?

p <- order(x)
R Console
[1] 3 5 2 4 1

The first entry of the result p is 3. The third entry of x is the smallest: if we want to sort x we have to put the third entry first, or, in other words, the first entry of the sorted vector would be the third entry of x. The second entry of p is 5, because the second smallest entry of x is its fifth entry.

We can obtain the sorted vector by applying the permutation obtained from order to x

R Console
[1]  3  4  7  9 11

This trick can be used to sort an entire dataset by one column.

If we want to sort the vector is descending order, we have to append the argument decreasing=TRUE.

sort(x, decreasing=TRUE)
R Console
[1] 11  9  7  4  3

Scalar summary functions

R has a large selection of functions that compute a scalar function of a vector. Their names are self-explanatory: min, max, sum, prod, mean, median, sd, var, ...

Task 7

Use R to calculate the sums sigma summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript 10 Endscripts i and sigma summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript 100 Endscripts i squared.

Show answer

We can calculate sigma summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript 10 Endscripts i using

R Console
[1] 55

We can calculate sigma summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript 100 Endscripts i squared using

sum((1:100)^2)   # correct
R Console
[1] 338350

Note that we need to put the power of 2 inside parenthesis. If we had used

sum(1:100)^2     # NOT correct
R Console
[1] 25502500

we would have calculated left parenthesis sigma summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript 100 Endscripts i right parenthesis squared.

We also have to put 1:100 inside parentheses. If we had used

sum(1:100^2)     # NOT correct
R Console
[1] 50005000

we would have calculated sigma summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript 100 squared Endscripts i.

Example 3

A simple Monte Carlo experiment

Suppose we want to know the probability double struck upper P left parenthesis upper X greater than 1 right parenthesis if upper X has a standard normal distribution (upper X tilde sans serif upper N left parenthesis 0 comma 1 right parenthesis). (You will learn about the normal distribution in your probability courses. For now, treat this as a range of data we believe upper X falls within.)

We could try to answer this problem using a simulation ("Monte Carlo") as follows. (You will learn more about Monte Carlo methods in the Uncertainty Assessment and Bayesian Computation course).

  • We first generate a large number of realisations from the standard normal distribution. This can be done using the built-in function rnorm.

  • We then count the proportion of values which are greater than 1. This is an estimate of the probability we are looking for.

n <- 1e7       # Set sample size (the bigger the better, within reason)
x <- rnorm(n)  # Draw a sample of size n from the standard normal distribution
sum(x>1)/n     # Our estimate of the probability
R Console
[1] 0.1587264

How does this work? x>1 returns a logical vector of the same length as x. Its i-th entry is TRUE if x Subscript i Baseline greater than 1, otherwise it is FALSE. The number of TRUEs in x>1 is thus the number of times x Subscript i is greater than 1. Summing over a logical vector counts the number of TRUE as R views TRUE as 1 and FALSE as 0.

We could have used the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution, which gives an exact result for this question.

pnorm(1, lower.tail=FALSE)
R Console
[1] 0.1586553

You will soon learn more cumulative distribution functions in the Probability and Stochastic Models course or in the Probability and Sampling Fundamentals course.

Other data types in R

So far we have considered vectors which were either numerical or logical. In this section we will look at other data types in R.

Character strings

Character strings in R are defined using double or single quotes.

string <- "A string in single quotes"
another.string <- 'This time defined using single quotes'
Supplement 3

Line breaks and escaped characters

A new line can be inserted into a string using \n.

string.with.newline <- "Text\nText on a new line"

Quotes and backslash must be "escaped" when used inside strings.

string.with.escapes <- "This \" is a quote and this \\\\ is a single backslash"

Strings can be printed using print. As an example (or just the variable name)

R Console
[1] "A string in single quotes"

Use the function cat to print the string as it is

R Console
A string in single quotes

R has a variety of built-in functions for manipulating strings. It is however easier to use the functions from the package stringr (which is a part of the Tidyverse suite of packages, which we will look at in Week 4).

For example, two strings can be concatenated using the function str_c (the equivalent base R function is paste).

str_c("Two strings", "put together", sep=" - ")
R Console
[1] "Two strings - put together"
Supplement 4

An operator for string concatenation

In contrast to many other programming languages R has no built-in operator for concatenating strings. However, R lets you define your own operators: you can define your own as follows.

"%.%" <- function(lhs, rhs) {
  str_c(lhs, rhs)
left <- "Two strings"
mid <- " - "
right <- "put together"
left %.% mid %.% right
R Console
[1] "Two strings - put together"

If you are wondering about the use of percent signs in the operator, R requires this to make sure it is being recognised as an operator.

Note that you cannot use character vectors for any sort of arithmetic. For example

"120" + "5"

Error in "120" + "5" : non-numeric argument to binary operator

You are unlikely to do this deliberately, but you might come across it if R treats a supposedly numerical variable as a character string because of at least one non-numerical entry.

Comparisons between character strings use lexicographic ordering, i.e. they are compared based on where they would be in a dictionary. For example

R Console

However character strings containing numbers are compared in an unexpected way

"120" > "5"
R Console

In lexicographic ordering "5" comes after "120" (as only the first digit "1" matters).


Factors are a variant on that theme and designed to be used with categorical variables. The main difference between a factor and a character vector is that factors are only allowed to take a pre-defined set of values ("levels"). You will learn more about factors in Learning From Data/Data Science Fundamentals.

Any vector can be converted to a factor using the function factor. It has the additional (optional) arguments levels and labels which can be used to set the labels printed when a vector is displayed.

x <- c(1, 4, 2, 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4)
X <- factor(x, levels=1:5, labels=c("one", "two", "three", "four", "five"))
R Console
[1] one   four  two   four  one   three one   two   four 
Levels: one two three four five

In our example, the factor X is only allowed to take the values "one", "two", "three", "four" and "five" (the level "five" is currently not being used). Thus we can set for example

X[1] <- "five"
R Console
[1] five  four  two   four  one   three one   two   four 
Levels: one two three four five

We cannot set the first entry to "six". "six" is not in the set of allowed labels.

X[1] <- "six"
## Warning in `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, 1, value = "six"): invalid factor level, NA
## generated
R Console
[1] <na>  four  two   four  one   three one   two   four 
Levels: one two three four five

In order to be able to set the first entry to "six" we need to first expand the set of levels.

levels(X) <- c(levels(X), "six")
X[1] <- "six"
R Console
[1] six   four  two   four  one   three one   two   four 
Levels: one two three four five six

To turn X back into its original numerical format we can use the function unclass.

R Console
[1] 6 4 2 4 1 3 1 2 4
[1] "one"   "two"   "three" "four"  "five"  "six"

Converting between data types

You can convert between different data types by using as.<target-datatype>. For example you can convert

x <- pi                  # x is numeric
x <- as.character(x)     # now x is a character string
x <- as.numeric(x)       # x is numeric again (but we lost some digits)

Often R will convert between different types automatically. The most common data types are

Data typeConversion functionDescription
numericas.numericFloating point numbers
integeras.integerInteger numbers
logicalas.logicalTRUE or FALSE
characteras.characterCharacter string

Missing values

R uses the special value NA to indicate that a value is missing. It is different from NaN, which is "not a number", i.e. a value for which the calculations have gone wrong.

You cat set a value to NA by simply assigning it the value NA.

x <- 1:4
x[4] <- NA
R Console
[1]  1  2  3 NA

Calculations (arithmetic, summary functions, etc.) involving NAs have the result set to NA as well: the result depends on the value that is not available.

R Console
[1] NA

If you want R to omit the missing values you can either use

R Console
[1] 2


mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
R Console
[1] 2

The former is more generic as not every function support the additional argument of na.rm=TRUE.

Use the function is.na to test whether a value is missing.

R Console

You cannot use == to test whether a value is missing

R Console

The comparison just results in NA, use is.na instead.



Matrices in R

Matrices are the two-dimensional generalisation of vectors. The main difference between a vector and a matrix is that a vector has a single index, whereas a matrix has two indexes: row and column.

Internally, R stores matrices in column-major mode, i.e. the matrix bold upper A equals Start 3 By 3 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column 1 2nd Column 4 3rd Column 7 2nd Row 1st Column 2 2nd Column 5 3rd Column 8 3rd Row 1st Column 3 2nd Column 6 3rd Column 9 EndMatrix is stored as

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

i.e. R internally stacks the columns on top of each other, which is known as "column-major mode". If you had stored the matrix bold upper A is a two-dimensional array in C or Java, it would be stored in what is called "row-major mode", i.e. the rows would be stacked on top of each other.

Creating matrices

There are essentially three ways of creating a matrix in R.

Using the internal representation

The first one consists of using the internal representation of matrices as vectors. If we want to create a matrix bold upper B equals Start 2 By 3 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 2 3rd Column 9 2nd Row 1st Column 7 2nd Column 4 3rd Column 6 EndMatrix we can use the command matrix.

B <- matrix(c(0, 7, 2, 4, 9, 6), nrow=2)

Alternatively, you could specify the number of columns using ncol=3.

The function matrix can also be used to create "empty" matrices. matrix(a, nrow, ncol) creates a nrowtimesncol matrix in which every entry is set to a.

Row-wise build-up

Another option is to build up the matrix row-wise using the function rbind.

B <- rbind(c(0, 2, 9),
           c(7, 4, 6))

We can also use rbind to add a row to an existing matrix.

rbind(B, c(1, 2, 9))
R Console
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    0    2    9
[2,]    7    4    6
[3,]    1    2    9

If a vector given to rbind is shorter than the other rows, it is "recycled" using the same rules as used for vector arithmetic. For example, to add a row of 0's to the matrix bold upper B we can use

rbind(B, 0)
R Console
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    0    2    9
[2,]    7    4    6
[3,]    0    0    0

Column-wise build-up

The third option consists of using rbind's sibling cbind. cbind adds a column to a matrix and can be used to build up a matrix column-wise. Thus we can create the matrix bold upper B using

B <- cbind(c(0, 7), c(2, 4), c(9, 6))
Task 8

Use all three methods fom above to create the matrix bold upper M equals Start 3 By 3 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column 9 2nd Column 2 3rd Column 4 2nd Row 1st Column 3 2nd Column negative 2 3rd Column 7 3rd Row 1st Column 4 2nd Column 8 3rd Column negative 1 EndMatrix

Show answer

Using the internal representation ...

M <- matrix(c(9,3,4,2,-2,8,4,7,-1), ncol=3)

Using rbind ...

M <- rbind(c( 9, 2, 4),
           c( 3,-2, 7),
	   c( 4, 8,-1))

Using cbind ...

M <- cbind(c( 9, 3, 4),
           c( 2,-2, 8),
	   c( 4, 7,-1))

Dimensions of a matrix

To find out the dimensions of a matrix you can use the three functions nrow, ncol and dim.

R Console
[1] 2
R Console
[1] 3
R Console
[1] 2 3

The function length returns the number of entries of a matrix (2 times 3 equals 6 in our case)

R Console
[1] 6

Diagonal matrices

Diagonal matrices have a special role in Linear Algebra and thus in Statistics. For this reason R has a function dedicated to diagonal matrices: diag.

E <- diag(c(1 ,4 , 2))
R Console
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    0    0
[2,]    0    4    0
[3,]    0    0    2

diag can also be used to access the diagonal of an existing matrix. The matrix does not even need to be diagonal for this. You can change the second element of the diagonal of the matrix E to 5 using

diag(E)[2] <- 5
R Console
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    0    0
[2,]    0    5    0
[3,]    0    0    2
Task 9

Create the diagonal matrix Start 4 By 4 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column 4 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4th Column 0 2nd Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 7 3rd Column 0 4th Column 0 3rd Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column negative 9 4th Column 0 4th Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4th Column 4 EndMatrix in R.

Show answer

You can use the following R code.

R Console
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    4    0    0    0
[2,]    0    7    0    0
[3,]    0    0   -9    0
[4,]    0    0    0    4
Supplement 5

Sparse matrices

Sometimes we have to work with matrices which contain mostly zeros. Diagonal matrices are a prime example. Standard R matrices explicitly store all the entries of a matrix ("dense storage"). This is not very efficient. A zero entry costs as much storage space as a non-zero entry. Calculations with matrices involving many zero-entries are as slow as the ones for matrices with no zeros.

Consider a diagonal matrix. Storing it densley requires storing n times n equals n squared entries even though it would be enough to only store the n values on the diagonal. Explicitly storing the off-diagonal zeros also makes it impossible to exploit the special structure of diagonal matrices, which would allow for a significant speed-up of calculations.

Sparse matrices only store the non-zero entries. For a matrix with many zeros (much greater than 90 percent sign) this can be much more efficient, both in terms of storage space and computational speed. There are several R packages, such as Matrix or spam which use sparse matrices.

We will look at a small example using the Matrix package. We start by using dense matrices to represent and invert a 5000 times 5000 matrix.

A <- diag(1:5e3)         # Create a dense matrix A
object.size(A)           # Estimate storage space required
system.time(solve(A))    # Get timing for matrix inversion 
                         # Third number is the time required in seconds
##    user  system elapsed 
##  10.513   0.143  10.684

We now use a sparse matrix structure using the Diagonal() command.

library(Matrix)          # Make commands from package Matrix available
A <- Diagonal(x=1:5e3)   # Create a sparse matrix A
object.size(A)           # Estimate storage space required
system.time(solve(A))    # Get timing for matrix inversion
                         # Third number is the time required in seconds
##    user  system elapsed 
##       0       0       0

Naming rows and columns

When working with data matrices it is a good idea to name at least the columns of a matrix. It is much better to refer to variables in a matrix by their name rather than the column index in which they are stored.

Rows and columns can be named using the functions rownames and colnames.

colnames(B) <- c("First column", "Second column", "Third column")
rownames(B) <- c("First row", "Second row")
R Console
First column Second column Third column
First row             0             2            9
Second row            7             4            6

Accessing elements and submatrices

Single entries of matrices can be accessed using square brackets. To extract upper B 23, i.e. the value in the second row and third column of bold upper B we can use

R Console
[1] 6

Similarly, we can set upper B 23 to -1 using

B[2,3] <- -1

Though this is not recommended, we could have also used the internal vector representation and extract the sixth element of the internal representation

R Console
[1] -1

You can access arbitrary submatrices by specifying the rows and columns you wish to access. You can do so by using any combination of the three methods used for vectors and mentioned in the third handout. To extract the first row and first and second column of bold upper B you can use any of the following lines (ellipsis and there are many other ways of doing so):

B[1, 1:2]
R Console
First column Second column 
0             2
B[-2, 1:2]
R Console
First column Second column 
0             2
B[c(TRUE, FALSE), -3]
R Console
First column Second column 
0             2

Each line returns the vector left bracket 0 comma 2 right bracket

Because the output object has only one row it is returned as a vector (instead of a matrix). In complex programmes in which the result is then expected to be matrix this can sometimes cause problems. In this case you can use the additional argument drop=FALSE:

B[1, 1:2, drop=FALSE]
R Console
First column Second column
First row            0             2

If we only want to subset rows and columns the selector for the other dimension can be left empty. To access the first row of the matrix bold upper B use

R Console
First column Second column  Third column 
0             2             9

To access the third column of bold upper B use

B[, 3]
R Console
First row Second row 
9         -1

To replace the third column of bold upper B with the numbers 1 and 8 you can use

B[, 3] <- c(1, 8)

Furthermore, logical expressions can be used to subset matrices in the same way as they are used to subset vectors. Suppose you want to set all entries larger than 5 to 6.

B[B > 5] <- 6
R Console
First column Second column Third column
First row             0             2            1
Second row            6             4            6
Task 10

Use the matrix bold upper M from Task 8

  • extract the first row,
  • set the top-right entry to 0,
  • add 1 to the last column.
Show answer

You can use the following R code.

M[1,]                # Extract first row
R Console
[1] 9 2 4
M[1,3] <- 0          # Set top-right entry to 0.
M[,3] <- M[,3] + 1   # Add 1 to the last column

Matrix multiplication and basic linear algebra

Matrix multiplication

The basic arithmetic operators can be applied to matrices in the same way as they can be applied to vectors. They are interpreted element-wise. Most importantly, * performs element-wise multiplication. In order to perform matrix multiplication you need to use the operator %*%.

To compute the matrix product Start 3 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column 1 2nd Column negative 1 2nd Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 1 3rd Row 1st Column negative 1 2nd Column 0 EndMatrix dot Start 2 By 3 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 2 3rd Column 9 2nd Row 1st Column 7 2nd Column 4 3rd Column negative 1 EndMatrix in R, you can use:

A <- matrix(c(1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 0), ncol=2)
B <- matrix(c(0, 7, 2, 4, 9, -1), ncol=3)
A %*% B
R Console
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   -7   -2   10
[2,]    7    4   -1
[3,]    0   -2   -9

Note that matrix multiplication is generally not commutative (unless bold upper A and bold upper B are symmetric), thus A%*%B is not the same as B%*%A.

The transpose bold upper A Superscript down tack of a matrix bold upper A can be computed using the function t(A). The cross product bold upper A Superscript down tack Baseline bold upper A can be computed using the function crossprod(A).

Supplement 6

Matrix inverse and linear systems of equations

The function solve computes the matrix inverse. For example,

C <- B%*%t(B)             # Create a square matrix C=BB'
C.inv <- solve(C)         # Compute the inverse of C
C.inv%*%C                 # Check whether C.inv is indeed the inverse
R Console
[,1]         [,2]
[1,]    1 7.589415e-19
[2,]    0 1.000000e+00
R Console
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.000000e+00    0
[2,] 7.589415e-19    1

The function solve can be used not only for inverting a matrix, but also for solving a (non degenerate) system of linear equations. solve(A, b) solves the system of equations bold upper A bold z equals bold b for bold z.

To solve the system of equations StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column 5 z 2 4th Column plus 5th Column z 3 6th Column equals 7th Column 7 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column 7 z 2 4th Column minus 5th Column z 3 6th Column equals 7th Column 5 3rd Row 1st Column 11 z 1 2nd Column plus 3rd Column z 2 4th Column plus 5th Column z 3 6th Column equals 7th Column 14 EndLayout you can use

A <- rbind(c( 0, 5,  1),
           c( 0, 7, -1),
           c(11, 1,  1))
b <- c(7, 5, 14)
z <- solve(A, b)
R Console
[1] 1 1 2

We can check the answer by computing bold upper A bold z, which should then be bold b.

R Console
[1,]    7
[2,]    5
[3,]   14

You could as well first compute the inverse of bold upper A and then compute bold upper A Superscript negative 1 Baseline bold b, i.e. used

z <- solve(A)%*%b

but this is slightly less efficient than the above code.

Linear systems of equations play a key role in Data Analytics and Statistics. For example, you will learn in Predictive Modelling that we can find the least-squares estimate of the coefficients in a linear regression model by computing ModifyingAbove bold italic beta With caret equals left parenthesis bold upper X Superscript down tack Baseline bold upper X right parenthesis Superscript negative 1 Baseline bold upper X Superscript down tack Baseline bold y comma which we can rewrite as solving the system of linear equations ModifyingBelow left parenthesis bold upper X Superscript down tack Baseline bold upper X right parenthesis With bottom brace Underscript equals bold upper A Endscripts ModifyingBelow bold italic beta With bottom brace Underscript equals bold z Endscripts equals ModifyingBelow bold upper X Superscript down tack Baseline bold y With bottom brace Underscript equals bold b Endscripts

Consider a simple regression problem using the cars dataset (which is included within R, simply type cars to view this). To compute the regression coefficients for the cars dataset, we can use the following code

y <- cars$dist              # Set y (response) to distance
X <- cbind(1, cars$speed)   # Set X (covariate) to a column of ones and speed
A <- t(X)%*%X               # Assemble matrix A
b <- t(X)%*%y               # Assemble vector b
beta <- solve(A, b)         # Solve for z (which is beta)
R Console
[1,] -17.579095
[2,]   3.932409

This is exactly the same answer as have obtained from the built-in function for linear regression.

lm(dist~speed, data=cars)$coef
R Console
(Intercept)       speed 
-17.579095    3.932409

It turns out that the above way of calculating bold italic beta is numerically less stable than necessary. Later on in the programme you will look at how this calculation be done in a numerically more stable way.

Supplement 7

Matrix multiplication is associative, but parentheses might matter

Matrix multiplication is associative, i.e. for any two matrices bold upper A and bold upper B and a vector bold x we have that left parenthesis bold upper A dot bold upper B right parenthesis dot bold x equals bold upper A dot left parenthesis bold upper B dot bold x right parenthesis.

Let's create matrices A and B and a vector x.

A <- matrix(rnorm(9e6), nrow=3e3)    # Create matrix A with random entries (3000x3000)
B <- matrix(rnorm(9e6), nrow=3e3)    # Create matrix B with random entries (3000x3000)
x <- rnorm(3e3)                      # Create vector x with random entries (3000x1)

Because of the associativity of matrix multiplication both


which is equivalent to A%*%B%*%x, and


give, except for rounding errors, the same answer. However the first calculation is a lot slower.

R Console
user  system elapsed 
8.696   0.023   8.719
R Console
user  system elapsed 
0.011   0.000   0.011


Multiplying to matrices is much slower than computing the product of a matrix (of the same size) and a vector.

The first line of code multiplies the two matrices bold upper A and bold upper B first (which takes very long), and then multiplies the result by the vector bold x.

The second line of code never multiplies two matrices. The result of bold upper B dot bold x is another vector of length 1000. bold upper A is then multiplied by this vector.

A more detailed answer

This question is about what is called "FLOP counting". FLOP stands for "floating point operation", i.e. an addition or multiplication.

To multiply two matrices bold upper C and bold upper D of dimensions m times k and k times n, we need to compute the m times n entries of the resulting matrix bold upper E equals bold upper C dot bold upper D. Each entry upper E Subscript i j of bold upper E is a sum upper E Subscript i j Baseline equals sigma summation Underscript iota equals 1 Overscript k Endscripts upper C Subscript i iota Baseline upper C Subscript iota j. To compute this sum we need to carry out k multiplications and k additions, thus we require 2 k FLOPs. There are m dot n entries in the resulting matrix bold upper E, thus the overall computational cost of computing bold upper E equals bold upper C dot bold upper D is 2 k m n FLOPs.

Multiplying a m times k matrix bold upper C with a vector bold y of length k is the same as multiplying a m times k matrix by a k times 1 matrix, thus we need only 2 m k FLOPS.

In the first line of code we first compute bold upper A dot bold upper B, and then multiply the result by bold x. bold upper A and bold upper B are 1000 times 1000 matrices, so computing bold upper A dot bold upper B requires 2 dot 10 Superscript 9 FLOPs. Multiplying the result by bold x adds another 2 dot 10 Superscript 6 FLOPs, so the first line takes 2.002 dot 10 Superscript 9 FLOPs.

In the second line of code we first compute bold upper B dot bold x, which requires 2 dot 10 Superscript 6 FLOPs. Then bold upper A is multiplied by this vector, which again requires 2 dot 10 Superscript 6 FLOPs. Thus computing the second line requires only 4 dot 10 Superscript 6 FLOPs.

Lists in R


Lists allow us to combine several variables into one object. In contrast to regular vectors and matrices, the entries of a list do not all have to be of the same data type.

Creating lists

You can create a list using the list command.

example1 <- list(1:3, c(TRUE,FALSE), 7)
R Console
[1] 1 2 3


[1] 7

Lists can be nested within each other.

example2 <- list(list(pi, 1:2), list("some text", 1:3))
R Console
[1] 3.141593

[1] 1 2

[1] "some text"

[1] 1 2 3

Just like vectors, lists can be concatenated using the function c. The fist three entries of the resulting list will come from example1. the remaining fourth and fifth entry from example2.

c(example1, example2)
R Console
[1] 1 2 3


[1] 7

[1] 3.141593

[1] 1 2

[1] "some text"

[1] 1 2 3

It is good programming style to name the elements of a list (if possible). This can be done using names:

names(example1) <- c("a", "b", "c")
R Console
[1] 1 2 3


[1] 7

Alternatively, you can specify the names directly in the list command:

example1 <- list(a=1:3, b=c(TRUE,FALSE), c=7)

Accessing elements

Elements of a list can be accessed using either double square brackets or, if the list has names, $. The following three lines of R code all return the first entry of the list example1 (using either its position or its name).

R Console
[1] 1 2 3
R Console
[1] 1 2 3
R Console
[1] 1 2 3

If you want to subset a list (in the sense of extracting more than one entry) use single square brackets:

R Console
[1] 1 2 3


If we extract an individual entry using single square brackets we obtain a list containing that entry rather than the entry itself.

R Console
[1] 1 2 3

Lists are everywhere ...

Most R functions return lists. Take the lm function as an example. The function lm fits a linear regression model, which is essentially a straight line fit to the data. First of all we fit a linear model using the cars dataset within R:

fit <- lm(dist~speed, data=cars)          # Fit a linear model
fit                                       # Print the model
R Console
lm(formula = dist ~ speed, data = cars)

(Intercept)        speed  
-17.579        3.932

The output object fit is in fact a list.

R Console
[1] TRUE

Let's look at its entries

R Console
[1] "coefficients"  "residuals"     "effects"       "rank"         
[5] "fitted.values" "assign"        "qr"            "df.residual"  
[9] "xlevels"       "call"          "terms"         "model"

So, if we for example want to retrieve the regression coefficients we can use

R Console
(Intercept)       speed 
-17.579095    3.932409

Actually, we do not have to fully spell out the name of the entry after the $, we only have to use the first few characters until the name is uniquely determined. So we could have also used

R Console
(Intercept)       speed 
-17.579095    3.932409

We could have not used

R Console

as there is more than one element with a name starting with a "c" ("call" and "coefficients").

Supplement 8

R classes and lists

R classes are typically also based on lists. A list becomes a class when it has an attribute called "class".

attr(fit, "class")
R Console
[1] "lm"

So in the above example, the class of the linear model fit is "lm". This tells R which functions to use to print, plot or summarise this object. Later on in the course we will look at how this (compared to other programming languages) rather simplistic concept of object-oriented programming works.